The enlarged meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan

Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held an enlarged meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, at which he summed up the work of branches of economy for 2024, heard reports of Deputy-Chairmen of the Cabinet, a number of heads of ministries, khyakims of velayats. The agenda of the meeting included upcoming goals of social and economic development of our state for 2025 and personnel issues.

Heads of the Mejlis, members of the State Security Council, khyakims of regions, Ashgabat and Arkadag cities, rectors of higher educational institutions, heads of the mass media and others were invited to the enlarged meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers.

Having announced the agenda, the head of the state gave the floor to Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet Kh.Geldimyradov. The Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet reported on macroeconomic indicators of national economy for 2024.

As he informed, as a result of adopted complex measures by the results of the past year GDP has grown by 6,3 percent. In the industrial complex this indicator has increased by 1,5 percent, construction - 11 percent, transport-communication sector - 7,2 percent, trade - 10,1 percent, agriculture - 5,3 percent, in the sphere of services - 8,6 percent.

As compared with 2023, in 2024 as a whole output has grown by 12,1 percent. In sectors of economy positive industrial indicators were reached.

The volume of retail trade as compared with 2023 in the past year grew by 13,1 percent.

Sizes of salaries and wages at large and medium size enterprises of the country as compared with 2023 increased by 10,6 percent. In the specified period in due time salaries pensions, welfare payments and student's scholarships were also completely financed.

In 2024, the plan for implementation of capital investments at the expense of all sources of financing was fully fulfilled. As compared with 2023 this indicator has grown by 9, 1 percent.

The report on the course of realisation of the Program of the President of Turkmenistan of social and economic development of the country for 2022-2028 was also delivered. 

Further, in the meeting, the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet reported on the draft of the Program of social and economic development of Turkmenistan and investments for 2025, which was developed together with ministries, sectoral departments, and khyakimliks of velayats, Ashgabat and Arkadag cities.

In the draft of the given document drawn on the basis of the seven-year Presidential program and the state budget for the current year, macroeconomic indicators expected in the current year, production plans to be fulfilled by all branches, indicators of social and economic development and volumes of investments by velayats, Ashgabat and Arkadag cities were outlined. Along with it, the measures connected with implementation of the active investment policy, consecutive increase of incomes of the population and further improvement of social living conditions of nationals of Turkmenistan were planned. 

Further, Minister of Finance and Economy S.Jorayev reported on fulfilment of the state budget, indicators of implementation of capital investments as well as the course of realisation of the national rural redevelopment program for the past year.

By the results of 2024 the revenue part of the main financial plan of the country was fulfilled by 105, 9 percent and expenditures part - 99,9 percent.

For the accounting period, the revenue part by local budgets was fulfilled at the level of 103, 8 percent, and expenditure part - 99,8 percent.

For January-December, 2024 104 meetings of balance commissions, including 88 regional ones, in which results of financial and economic activity of ministries and sectoral departments, their accountable establishments and enterprises were considered, were held.

At the meeting, the head of the state released S.Jorayev from the post of the Minister of Finance and Economy.

The President of Turkmenistan appointed M.Astanagulov to this post, having released him from the post of Deputy Minister of Finance and Economy.

Having expressed to head of the state Serdar Berdimuhamedov his warm gratitude for the high trust, the new minister assured that he will assiduously work at his responsible post and wished Arkadagly Hero Serdar and Hero-Arkadag sound health, longevity and successes in their activity for prosperity of our fatherland and well-being of our people.

Then Chairman of the Central Bank T.Malikov reported on results of activity of banks of the country for 2024.

As he reported, complex measures aimed at strengthening of the economic power of Turkmenistan, maintenance of stable development of national economy, including the bank system are successfully realised.

During the considered period, the lending to economy was carried out. As compared with 2023, in 2024 the total amount of credits which was  allotted by banks to the private sector, physical persons, small and medium size businesses increased. Along with it, indicators of credits to agricultural manufacturers that made up 30,7 percent, grew remarkably.

As of January 1, 2025 volumes of mortgage loans which were allotted according to the Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan to citizens for acquisition of real estate in Ashgabat and Arkadag cities as well as in velayats, increased by 16,2 percent.

Chairman of the State Committee of Statistics D.Amanmuhammedov reported on fulfilment of plans for the past year by ministries and sectoral departments.

As he informed, by the results of 2024, a steady growth was observed in the industrial sector. So, extraction of natural gas made up 77 billion 623, 1 million cubic metre, oil - 8 million 279, 7 thousand tons. As compared with 2023,  manufacture of oil bitumen increased by 10,2 percent, gasoline - 4,8 percent, black oil - 8,2 percent, diesel fuel - 0,6 percent, plastic and glass-fibre pipes - 2,2 percent, cement - 3,5 percent, the caught fish - 20,1 percent, confectionery - 2,1 percent, dairy products - 4,7 percent, butter - 3 percent, mineral water and soft drinks - 11,5 percent, tinned fruit and vegetables - 7,2 percent.

For the accounting period, the volume of output of cotton yarn grew by 46,7 percent, cotton fabric - 27,1 percent.

Positive indicators were ensured in the transport-communication sector. Growth of volumes of cargo transportation by 2 percent and passenger transportation - 5,2 percent can serve an acknowledgement of the fact. The volume of rendering of telecommunication service increased by 16,2 percent.

In agriculture as compared with 2023, manufacture of vegetable production by 8,4 percent, gourds - 6 percent, potato - 4,6 percent, berries and fruit - 1,5 percent, milk - 2,1 percent, meat in net weight - 7 percent raised.

Good indicators in the past year were obtained in the private sector of economy.

The head of the State Committee also reported on the work carried out with a view of improvement of statistical reporting and methods of data gathering on the basis of international standards.

Addressing participants of the meeting, the head of the state noted that with a view of successful realisation of the Program of the President of Turkmenistan for social and economic development of the country for 2022-2028, the draft of the Program of social and economic development of the country and investments for 2025 was developed. According to the given Program, this year it is planned to keep the rate of increase of GDP at the level of 6,3 percent, to keep stable development of branches of economy and regions of the country and  to achieve total involvement of manufacturing enterprises and to create over 3000 workplaces at the expense of establishment of new enterprises and to increase the volume of the foreign trade turnover as much as 20 billion US  dollars.

It is also planned to develop small and medium size business, to increase the share of the private sector in GDP as much as 71, 6 percent. By means of increase by 10 percent of salaries, pensions, welfare payments and scholarships of students, incomes of population will be increased and social standards of living of Turkmen nationals were improved.

Besides it, investments in the amount of 40 billion manats will be made into the national economy at the expense of all sources of financing.

In this connection, the head of the state signed the Resolution «On approval of the Program of social and economic development of the country and investments for 2025».

Addressing Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet Kh.Geldimyradov, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted necessity of implementation of due work for successful realization of goals outlined for 2025 in the Program of social and economic development of the country for 2022-2028.

He also stated importance of continuation of effective work to strengthen the basis of national economy, creation of new manufactures by means of introduction of innovative technologies in all spheres and increase of the share of the private sector in economy.

Having focused attention to necessity of realization of regular work to increase the revenue part of the state budget of the country, target use of its expenditures part, the President of Turkmenistan pointed out that it is necessary to continue financing of the projects connected with realisation of state programs by banking establishments.

The head of the state instructed him to carry out henceforth allotment of credits for projects on development of manufacture of private enterprises and businesses as well as easy term loans for improvement of living conditions of the population. One should together expand kinds of digital services and a spectrum of electronic payments rendered by the bank sphere.

He was also instructed to give effective financial support to development of economy and to keep stability of the national currency.

Then, Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet B.Amanov reported on the work carried out in 2024 in the sector under his supervision.

In the specified period, the oil production plan was fulfilled by "Türkmennebit" State Concern by 102, 1 percent. The oil refining plan was fulfilled by oil refinery factories of the State Concern by 101,9 percent, manufactures of gasoline - 103,3 percent, oil bitumen - 224,4 percent, lubricant oils - 100 percent.

He also provided data on manufacture of diesel fuel, polypropylene, liquefied gas, and extraction of natural and associated gas.

Having reported on the work carried out to provide state bodies, enterprises and organisations with oil products regularly, their more rational distribution and use, the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet submitted for consideration of the head of the state the draft of the corresponding Resolution.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that as a result of the energy policy realised by the state, the oil and gas sector consistently develops. In this regard, an emphasis was made on importance of realization of proper work for development of the given branch in compliance with the modern requirements, reliable supply of internal and external consumers by natural gas in 2025. He also stated necessity of further introduction of high technologies for increase in capacities of the oil and gas complex.

One should actively develop «Galkynyş» gas deposit, construct Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India gas pipeline at a high rate, especially its key section Serhetabat-Herat called «Arkadagyň ak ýoly», the head of the state said, having underlined importance of development of rich and perspective oil pools.

Along with it, the President of Turkmenistan instructed the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet to attach special significance to increase of capacities of Turkmenbashi oil refineries complex and Seydi oil refining factory, to accelerate rates of work on exploration and search of perspective deposits of hydrocarbon resources, geological researches for deposits of useful rock minerals, rare minerals and underground waters. He was also instructed to continue successful introduction of digital technologies, regularly to raise qualification of experts of oil and gas industry.

Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet B.Annamammedov reported on the activity of construction-industrial and electric power complexes, «Türkmenhimiýa» State Concern, State Agency for Roads Construction Management and khyakimlik of Ashgabat city for 2024.

As he informed, the plan for production and work realized for the specified period was fulfilled by 105, 8 percent.

So, for the January-December period of the past year, the Ministry of Construction and Architecture fulfilled its plan by 108,6 percent.

The Ministry of Industry and Construction Production for the same period manufactured production and implemented work for a total sum of 1 billion 708 million manats.

The Ministry of Energy fulfilled its plan for production and the work carried out by 104,6 percent, "Türkmenhimiýa" State Concern - 114,6 percent.

For the past year, the State Agency for Roads Construction Management fulfilled its plan for work by 106,4 percent and khyakimlik of Ashgabat city - 115,8 percent.

As he informed, in 2024 by the entire country 86 large industrial and social projects were commissioned into operation. They included a complex of new buildings of the specialized military school named after Berdimuhamet  Annayev of the Ministry of Defence of Turkmenistan, a complex of buildings of the khyakimlik of Ashgabat city, a cultural-park complex «Magtymguly Pyragy», the International rehabilitation centre and the International scientific-clinical centre of physiology, 2nd phase of Baherden and Lebap cement works, section of Tejen-Mary high-speed highway of Ashgabat-Turkmenabat,  power energy transmission line of Balkan-Dashoguz and power station «Dashoguz», a water-purifying construction «Bagtyýarlyk», 13 9-storeyed houses in the capital residential area «Parahat-7» in Ashgabat, 70 4-storeyed apartment houses and complexes of objects in Dashoguz city and 5 secondary schools and 2 kindergartens.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov marked that it is necessary to take necessary measures for maintenance of trouble-free work of enterprises of the construction-industrial complex of the country. He also pointed out importance of creation of new modern enterprises for industrial and construction manufacture on the basis of achievements of science and high technologies.

It is necessary to carry out an effective work on reliable maintenance of internal and foreign consumers with electric power, increase in manufacture of electric power, construction of new power stations, improvement of technical condition of distributive substations, the head of the state said.

He especially marked importance of exploiting of enterprises of chemical industry at full capacities and enhancement of work on creation of new enterprises.

At the same time, the President of Turkmenistan pointed out significance of further strengthening of the material and technical basis of the sector for construction of new ones and reconstruction of already operating highways, their conformity to the world standards. The Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet was also instructed to hold under strict control over the timely commissioning and high quality of buildings and facilities planned to be opened during the current year.

Then, Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet N.Atagulyev reported on the results of activity for the past year in subordinated ministries and departments as well as in the private sector.

By the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations, the rate of increase of goods turnover as compared with 2023, made up 103,1 percent, production - 103,1 percent.

The past year, by the Ministry of Textile Industry the rate of increase made up 117,3 percent. As compared with 2023, manufacture of cotton yarn reached 149,3 percent, cotton fabrics - 129,7 percent, tanning production - 124,4 percent.

The plan for manufacture of carpet production by «Türkmenhaly» State Association was fulfilled by 102,3 percent.

For the accounting period, the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange held 302 trading sessions, at which 29 thousand 317 contracts were registered.

The rate of increase of the work fulfilled by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in 2024, made up 111,8 percent. 27 exhibitions and 131 conference were organized. .

By the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs in the past year the rate of increase of manufacture of agricultural and food production made up 110 percent, industrial goods - 104,1 percent.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined importance of adoption of complex measures for modernisation of enterprises of textile industry, increase of competitiveness of textile production in foreign markets as well as further work on development of handmade carpets manufacture and increase in assortment of carpet products.

It is necessary to use fully the industrial potential of the trading complex for improvement of supply of home markets by food and other demanded production, to organise efficiently the activity of the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange and Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the head of the state said. 

Having underlined that the further stable growth of national economy depends on intensification of the activity of private business, the President of Turkmenistan instructed him to hold the work carried out for development of the private sector of the country in the centre of attention.

Director General of Transport and Communications Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers M.Chakyev reported on results of the work carried out in the January-December period of 2024 in the sector under his supervision.

For the accounting period, the rate of increase of the work fulfilled and the rendered services by the complex made up 118, 8 percent.

The rate of increase of cargo transportation by means of automobile, railway, air, sea and river transport reached 102, 8 percent, by passenger transportation - 104, 2 percent.

For the considered period, the rate of increase in services rendered in «Türkmendemirýollary» Agency was equal to 104,1 percent, «Türkmenawtoulaglary» Agency - 114,5 percent, «Türkmenhowaýollary» Agency - 140 percent, «Türkmendeňizderýaýollary» Agency - 128 percent, «Türkmenaragatnaşyk» Agency - 116,2 percent.

He also reported on measures taken to solve tasks following from the «Concepts of development of digital economy in Turkmenistan for 2019-2025».

Along with it, he reported on construction of industrial and social projects of the transport-communication complex and the work carried out to strengthen its material and technical basis. 

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined that the transport-communication sector is one of the key industries of economy. In the given context, the attention was paid to necessity of realization of appropriate work to increase the volume of passenger and cargo transportation, to expansion routes of transit and international cargo routes, consecutive development of all types of service in the field of transport and communication and wide introduction of digital system in the sector.

The head of the state also pointed out importance of further raise of the throughput of railway system of the country, strengthening of its material and technical basis, regularly supplementation of motor transportation enterprises, raise culture of service of the population.

Along with it, the President of Turkmenistan underlined that it is necessary to carry out practical steps on reconstruction of operating air harbours of the country, consecutive modernisation of the park of aircrafts and to continue work on the opening of international flights to new destinations, expansion of routes of cargo transportation. Besides it, he was instructed to involve fully the potential of Turkmenbashi international seaport, «Balkan» shipbuilding and ship-repair factory.  

Then, Deputy-Chairwoman of the Cabinet M.Mammedova reported on results of activity in the sphere under her supervision for the January-December period of 2024.

For the accounting period, in velayats of the country as well as Ashgabat and Arkadag cities on the occasion of holidays of the national calendar, the 300th birthday anniversary of Magtymguly Fragi, announcement of Anev city  as cultural capital of the Turkic world of 2024 various conferences, creative meetings, exhibitions, educational and explanatory and song and music events were organized.

At the same time, results of art competitions were summed up and various celebrations timed to the commissioning of social and cultural projects were  organised.

Presentations of books by the President of Turkmenistan «Youth - the pillar of our native land», «Anau - culture from depths of millennia», and works by  National Leader of the Turkmen people Hero-Arkadag «Hakyda göwheri», the new book «Magtymguly», which included selected verses of the poet-thinker which  have become a universal property.

At the opening ceremony of the «Magtymguly Pyragy» cultural-park complex and the monument to Magtymguly Fragi in the southern corner of Ashgabat cultural events were held.

On June 22-27 of the past year, Arkadag city successfully hosted the Week of culture.

The regular VI Viennese ball and concert of «Galkynyş» joint Turkmen-Austrian symphonic orchestra, II Theatrical festival of TURKSOY member countries and other profile actions, the international film festival «Gorkut ata» in its frameworks in the city of Arkadag were held in the accounting period at high level.

In Tajikistan, Japan, and Kazakhstan Days of culture of Turkmenistan and in our country - Days of culture of Kazakhstan, Russian Federation, Armenia, Uzbekistan, and Week of culture of Europe were held.

She also reported on the work fulfilled during the accounting period by theatres, circuses, cinemas, film concert centres, libraries, museums, Turkmen state publishing service, Oguzhan «Türkmenfilm» Association and State News Agency.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov released M.Mammedova from the post of Deputy-Chairwoman of the Cabinet. The head of the state, having informed that he made decision to appoint B.Seyidova who heads the Committee of the Mejlis for science, education, culture and the youth policy to this post, signed the corresponding document.

Having expressed to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov her warm gratitude for the rendered high trust, the new Deputy-Chairwoman of the Cabinet assured that she will assiduously work at her responsible post, having wished the head of Turkmenistan and National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Hero Arkadag sound health, longevity and further successes in their activity for prosperity of our country and well-being of our people.

Then, the head of the state addressed the Deputy-Chairwoman of the Cabinet and noted necessity to prepare well for the events planned in honour of announcement of 2025 as «International year of peace and trust» and glorious 30th anniversary of permanent neutrality of our fatherland at high organizational level. He also made an emphasis on importance of further fundamental scientific study, preservation and popularisation of primordial cultural heritage, history of Turkmen people globally.

In this connection, the President of Turkmenistan instructed her to organise work of the sphere of culture according to time realities, to keep control over the activity of libraries, recreation centres in places, to develop the tourist sector, which familiarize with monuments of history and cultural values, to carry out preparation of a great number of TV and radio broadcasts intended for intellectual development of rising generation, constantly to improve work of Turkmen state publishing service.

Deputy-Chairwoman of the Cabinet B.Orazdurdyeva reported on results of activity of spheres under her supervision in 2024.

As she informed, during the considered period, the education system was reformed and advanced methods of teaching were widely applied, digital education developed, textbooks and manuals were published, and electronic magazines were created. Besides it, the Concept of improvement of methods of teaching by general educational programs in Turkmenistan for 2028» was approved. Higher educational institutions were included in lists of leading international ratings. Competitions, scientific-practical conferences and Olympiads were held. In the specified period, schoolchildren and students won 1549 medals in international competitions.

For the accounting period, the efficiency of scientific research raised as well as the Strategy of development of the sphere of science in Turkmenistan for 2024-2052» was approved.

The work on development of national system of public health services continued. The humanitarian activity of the Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Care named after Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov aimed at maintenance of health and well-being of children, and supply of medical institutions with the modern equipment was carried out. The opening of the Mother and Child Health Protection Centre in Mary velayat, glycyrrhizin acid production facility in Turkmenabat, International rehabilitation centre and the International scientific-clinical centre of physiology in Ashgabat city became important events of the past year.

During the accounting period work on development of physical training, sports and the Olympic movement, preparation of professional sportsmen continued. The International tournament in hockey, the International tennis tournament «Ashgabat Open 2024» among young men and girls under 14 years were organized. In general, our sportsmen won 752 medals.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov stated necessity of further perfection of activity of educational institutions with a view of creation of high conditions to give children modern education, discovery and development of gifts of the younger generation. At the same time, importance of the work aimed at updating of curricula, programs and textbooks according to international practice, regular improvement of professional skill of teachers of secondary and higher educational schools, strengthening of material and technical basis of the given sphere was marked.

The head of the state also underlined that it is necessary to conduct further scientific researches for transformation of our fatherland into the dynamically developing state on a scientific basis and in the given context, to increase international cooperation.

The President of Turkmenistan drew attention to importance of continuation of effective work on public health protection, improvement of health of the population, prevention and eradication of diseases, development of national pharmaceutical industry. Besides it, she was instructed to carry out consecutive complex activity on development of sports, increase of the role of mass physical culture, worthy representation of Turkmenistan in the world sports arena.

Further heads of administrations of regions made reports.

Khyakim of Akhal velayat S.Soltanmyradov reported on results of the work carried out in the region in 2024.

As he informed, the annual plan of investments within realisation of the National rural redevelopment program was fulfilled.

In the past year,  in the velayat large industrial and social and cultural projects, including modern comprehensive secondary school in the settlement of  Bokurdak of Ak bugday etrap, water-purifying facilities in the settlement of Yashlyk in the same etrap and in Tejen city of Tejen etrap, facilities for sewage water treatment in Gökdepe etrap  and Ak bugday etrap, the second phase of Baherden cement works, Tejen-Mary section of Ashgabat-Turkmenabat autobahn, industrial enterprises and others were commissioned into operation.

Along with it, he reported that at present, seasonal agricultural work proceeds in the region and due care of wheat fields and preparation for the spring sowing of cotton and fruit and vegetable crops, in particular, are carried out.

Having heard the report, the President of Turkmenistan released S.Soltanmyradov from the post of khyakim of Akhal velayat. Having informed on the adopted decision to appoint T.Nurmyradov to this post, the head of the state signed corresponding documents.

Having expressed gratitude for the rendered high trust, T.Nurmyradov assured that he will his utmost to make use of his best knowledge and abilities for further dynamical development of the velayat and wished Arkadagly Hero Serdar and Hero-Arkadag sound health, longevity and big successes in their activity for well-being of our people.

Further, khyakim of Balkan velayat Kh. Ashyrmyradov reported on results of the work carried out in the region in 2024.

As he informed, within realisation of the «National Program of the President of Turkmenistan on the transformation of the social and living conditions of the population of villages, towns, cities of etraps and etrap centres for the period up to 2028» in the past year in the velayat social, cultural and industrial projects, apartment houses were commissioned into operation.

Along with it, at present, in the fields of the region seasonal agricultural work, in particular, care of wheat, and preparation for the spring sowing of cotton, potato and other fruit and vegetable crops is carried out.

Then, khyakim of Dashoguz velayat D.Babayev reported on results of the work carried out in 2024.

As he reported, in the past year in the region Balkan-Dashoguz power transmission line, power station «Dashoguz», a complex of apartment houses for 1496 families in Dashoguz city were commissioned into operation.

With a view to obtain high yield of wheat in 2025 these days in the area of 145 thousand hectares sown with grain, care of wheat is conducted. Along with it, preparation for the spring sowing of cotton and food crops goes on.

Then, khyakim of Lebap velayat M.Annanepesov reported on results of the work carried out in 2024.

As he informed, with a view of successful fulfilment of goals outlined in the National rural redevelopment program, in the region construction of building of social, cultural and industrial projects and engineering systems was conducted.

At present, within seasonal agricultural work in the fields of the region sown with wheat, is carried out according to agro-technical standards. 

At the same time, preparation for the spring sowing of cotton, potato and vegetables and gourds goes on.

Then, khyakim of Mary velayat B.Orazov reported on results of the work carried out in 2024.

As he informed, according to the «National Program of the President of Turkmenistan on the transformation of the social and living conditions of the population of villages, towns, cities of etraps and etrap centres for the period up to 2028» 5 social, cultural and industrial projects were put into operation.

Reporting on the current seasonal agricultural work in the velayat, the khyakim informed that at present, in the fields sown with wheat, due work is carried out according to agro-technical standards. At the same time, necessary measures are taken to prepare the areas to be sown with cotton, agricultural machinery and equipment, which will be involved in the spring sowing campaign, maintenance of agricultural manufacturers with high-quality seeds.

He also reported on the work conducted with a view of gathering of sugar beet lost-free and its processing.

Having addressed khyakims of velayats, Ashgabat and Arkadag cities, head of the state Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted significance of successful implementation of the Program of the President of Turkmenistan for social-economic development of the country for 2022-2028, and the National rural redevelopment program.

The head of the state underlined importance of strict control over the course of construction of apartment houses, hospitals and other social projects, improvement of maintenance of the population with clean drinking water, electric power, natural gas, adoption of appropriate measures for observance of cleanliness and timely conduction of repair work in velayats and cities.

The President of the country instructed them to carry out appropriate care of crops according to agro-technical standards to obtain a high yield of wheat, cotton and other agricultural crops.

Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet T.Atahallyev reported on results of activity of the sector under his supervision in 2024 and the course of reforms in agriculture and seasonal work.

As he informed, as a whole by the complex, the rate of increase of volumes of output of production made up 126, 9 percent. By the Ministry of Agriculture this indicator was equal to 101,8 percent, by the Ministry of Environmental Protection - 120,1 percent, by the State Water Management Committee - 141,1 percent, "Türkmenpagta" State Concern  - 100,3 percent, «Türkmengallaönümleri» State Association - 233,2 percent, «Türkmenobakhyzmat» State Association - 138,3 percent, State Association of Food-Processing Industry - 101,6 percent, State Association of Cattle-breeding and Poultry - 100,2 percent, State Association «Türkmen atlary» - 103,2 percent.

The plan for realization of investments was fulfilled by 253, 1 percent.

At present, in the fields sown with wheat and the areas to be sown with cotton, potato and gourds due care is carried out, preparation for the sowing campaign is conducted. The agricultural machinery and equipment, seed material for the forthcoming season are prepared.

In the cattle-breeding economy due work is carried out to feed and warm winter the cattle and prepare for the upcoming lambing campaigns.

At the same time, he reported on the measures adopted in velayats to make rational and effective utilisation of water resources, to supply agricultural crops by water in sufficient volume and to improve the ameliorative condition of fields.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted importance of continuation of work to increase the volume of output of agricultural production, the goods and full supply of the population with food products, increase of deliver of raw materials to the processing industry.

It is necessary to develop further new species of high-yield crops and fruit-trees, to adopt effective measures for perfection of selection activity, the head of the state said, having emphasised significance of effective development of animal industries and poultry farming on the basis of use of advanced methods and introduction of innovative technologies, modernisation and establishment of new enterprises of food-processing industry.

Speaking of importance of corresponding work to strengthen the technical basis of agricultural production, control over timely and qualitative fulfilment of service of machinery of agricultural manufacturers, the President of Turkmenistan drew the attention to issues of development of silkworm breeding, production of high-quality cocoon, wide introduction of water saving technologies and creation of additional water supplies.

Scientific institutions should work more effectively over increase of productivity of agricultural crops, development of new fields, the head of the state continued, having noted importance of adoption of corresponding measures for preservation of the environment, maintenance of ecological well-being, transformation of our fatherland into a blossoming garden and preservation and enrichment of the plant and animal life of the country.

The President of Turkmenistan instructed him to involve in the given context the total industrial potential of the agricultural branch and in the future widely introduce advanced achievements of science and technologies and digital system.

Further,   Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet, Minister of Foreign Affairs R.Meredov reported on the results of work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the past year.

With a view of solution of tasks in view and the instructions given by the head of the state in the specified period due work was carried out for consecutive realisation of the Concept of the foreign policy of neutral Turkmenistan for 2022-2028, development of constructive cooperation in the bilateral and multilateral formats.

During the considered period official and working visits of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Hero-Arkadag were organised abroad.

In the past year, 15 heads of the states and the governments of foreign countries arrived in Turkmenistan with state, official and working visits.

In 2024, visits of the Secretary General of the United Nations Organization and 39 heads and delegations of high level of international and regional organisations took place. Within these visits, bilateral and multilateral meetings and negotiations were held.

Strategic partnership with the United Nations acts as one of the priorities of foreign policy of our fatherland. In the given area, in 2024, Turkmenistan with interaction with member states of the United Nations Organization and its specialised establishments successfully realised measures on maintenance of global peace, security and sustainable development. In particular, during the accounting period at the initiative of our country the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted 4 Resolutions. Among them - the Resolution on declaration of 2025 «International year of peace and trust». Now consecutive steps on its implementation are undertaken.

Besides it, within 2024 further development of cooperation with other authoritative international organisations and interstate associations was promoted. Among them - OSCE, EU, OIC, ECO, CIS.

Visits, which made in the past year to Turkmenistan by foreign delegations and local delegations to foreign countries, can clearly speak of positive dynamics of fruitful interaction with foreign partners.

In 2024, meetings and negotiations of various levels, including online ones were held. The legal basis of international cooperation of Turkmenistan was filled with 238 documents.

A regular character is inherent in bilateral contacts in the area of foreign policy departments. In the specified period a number of inter-ministerial consultations  took place.

A great significance is given to the strengthening of diplomatic relations through Embassies of foreign countries. In the given area, corresponding work is carried out. In 2024, newly appointed ambassadors of 30 states in Turkmenistan handed credentials. 9 new heads of Embassies and 2 consuls of Turkmenistan abroad at the same time officially started to work.

An important vector of the foreign policy of our fatherland is promotion of economic relations with foreign partners. With these purposes within the past year, 14 meetings of bilateral intergovernmental commissions and a number of business forums and meetings were organised.

The integral part of the foreign policy of Turkmenistan is cultural-humanitarian cooperation. In 2024, which passed under the motto «The Fount of wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi», about 180 international actions devoted to the 300th birthday anniversary of the great Turkmen poet and thinker took place. In the given context, importance of the International conference of high level «Interrelation of times and civilisations - a basis of peace and development», held in Ashgabat on October 11 of the past year was marked.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov pointed out that Turkmenistan brings a big contribution to the strengthening of international peace, stability and sustainable development. In this area, effective work is conducted. The foreign policy strategy of our fatherland is aimed at development of equal rights and mutually beneficial cooperation with states of the world and international organisations.

Turkmenistan carries out constructive partnership with world and regional countries in political-diplomatic, trade and economic, cultural-humanitarian and scientific-educational spheres, and fruitfully co-operates with different states and international structures in the transport-logistics sector, fuel and energy complex, in water resources and ecology.

Having focused attention that in the International year of peace and trust a number of large actions of international level is planned, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet, Minister of Foreign Affairs to prepare properly for them and to provide a high level of organization.

Chairwoman of the Mejlis D.Gulmanova informed on results of the activity in 2024.

As she informed, in the specified period, 3 sessions of the national parliament took place, 36 Laws of Turkmenistan and 26 resolutions of the Mejlis were adopted. Among them - Laws «On establishment of the anniversary medal of Turkmenistan «Magtymguly Pyragynyň 300 ýyllygyna","On the cultural heritage of Magtymguly Fragi ","On energy saving and energy effective utilisation","On hydrometeorological activity ","On the State budget of Turkmenistan for 2025», and legal acts on ratification of international conventions and contracts and accession of our country to them, legislative support of foreign policy initiatives. A number of laws in force were improved according to time realities.

Within development of international cooperation in the past year, 53 meetings with representatives of parliaments of different states, diplomatic representative offices and international organisations were held. During the considered period, credentials from 15 Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of a number of foreign states accredited in Turkmenistan were received.

For the purpose of study of advanced experience, 37 working trips of members of the parliament abroad took place. Deputies and experts of the Mejlis took part in 123 seminars organised by corresponding official bodies of our country together with divisions of the United Nations and authoritative international structures. Along with it, representatives of the national parliament participated in various international forums held both in Turkmenistan and abroad.

Summing up the information, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov with satisfaction stated that in the country due work is carried out to strengthen the legal basis. In the past year of 2024 36 Laws of Turkmenistan, which were developed within perfection of legislative basis of our state were adopted. Amendments and additions were also made to legal acts.

The adopted laws are called to promote further prosperity of our independent fatherland, maintenance of peaceful and happy life of people, the head of the state said.

The legal status of permanent neutrality twice recognised by the world community became a basis of the internal and foreign policy of our sovereign state, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted, having continued that this year we will widely mark at the international level the glorious anniversary - the 30th anniversary of neutrality of independent Turkmenistan.

Thereupon, the head of the state marked importance of corresponding legislative work on establishment of an anniversary medal on the occasion of 30th anniversary of permanent neutrality in the International year of peace and trust.

Then, addressing participants of the meeting, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that, as known, in the beginning of the past year the competition among etraps and cities with the rights of etraps in velayats for definition of the best of them in all indicators was declared.

Recently, the special commission under the Trade Unions summed up this review. In this connection, the head of the state gave the floor to chairperson of the National centre of trade unions O.Berdiliyeva.

As she marked, under the far-sighted leadership of the President of Turkmenistan a noble undertaking of the National Leader of the Turkmen people Hero-Arkadag on development of velayats of the country and city of Ashgabat successfully continues on a competitive basis.

According to the corresponding Decree of the head of the state, the given Commission carried out appropriate work. By its results, the best etrap of the country for 2024, which passes under the motto “The Fount of wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi”, was chosen.

Following the results of the competition, its winner became Sakarchage etrap of Mary velayat by achieving the best results in social, economic and cultural indicators.

Having heard the information, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov signed the Decree on announcement of Sakarchage etrap of Mary velayat winner of the competition of 2024 and awarding of the khyakimlik of the etrap the monetary award in the amount of 1 million US dollars, and announcement of the similar competition in 2025.

Addressing participants of the meeting, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that as a result of assiduous work of our people in the year «The Fount of wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi» big successes were reached, target plans were fulfilled, activity on development and introduction of modern laws continued.

At the same time, a high rate of development of economy was kept. GDP growth made up 6,3 percent, including in the industrial sector - 1,5 percent, sphere of trade - 10,1 percent, in agriculture - 5,3 percent. The volume of investments increased by 9,1 percent.

During the accounting period, as a whole 5 thousand 735 new workplaces were created. The volume of export of production made in the country reached over 12 billion US dollars, the head of the state said.

In the past year at the expense of all sources of financing 86 industrial, social and cultural projects were and put into operation 1 million 145 thousand square metres of housing were built. Thousand families celebrated house warming parties.

In the past year, construction of the second turn of the "smart" city of Arkadag built for the first time in history of the country at the initiative of Hero Arkadag continued.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov also pointed out that large-scale projects concerning the fuel and energy complex, , are realised, in particular a start was given to building of Serhetabat-Herat gas pipeline called «Arkadagyň ak ýoly» which makes up an essential ink of Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India gas pipeline.

Besides it, the 2nd turn of Baherden and Lebap cement works in Akhal and Lebap regions, a high-voltage transmission line of Balkan-Dashoguz and power station, modern constructions for potable water clearing were put into commissioning.

At the wonderful corner of foothills of the Kopet Dagh, the cultural-park complex «Magtymguly Pyragy» and a monument to the poet-thinker were opened and also the complex of new buildings of the specialized military school named after Berdimuhamet Annayev, the international medical centres and other objects were put into operation.

The head of the state also noted that peasants, having collected big crops, provided food safety of the country. The State budget for 2025 was adopted, the sizes of salary, pensions and state grants were once again increased.

A number of international actions were held on the occasion of the 300th birthday anniversary of great thinker of the East Magtymguly Fragi and announcement of Anev city as cultural capital of the Turkic world in 2024. In the country the International conference «Interrelation of times and civilisations - a basis peace and development», devoted to the 300th birthday anniversary of the poet-thinker, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined.

The authority of our neutral state on the international scene grows steadily. Interaction with the United Nations Organization consistently develops. In the past year, the General Assembly of the United Nations unanimously adopted a number of resolutions on the basis of initiatives of Turkmenistan that speaks of acknowledgement of broad support of proposals of universal significance put forward by our neutral country by the world community, the head of the state stated. Neutral Turkmenistan also carries out fruitful cooperation with other large international and regional organisations.

Every year passes under the certain motto, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov has continued, having underlined that this year was declared «International year of peace and trust». This motto has a huge significance, inspires into the work aimed at further increase of authority of our independent, permanent neutral Turkmenistan, prosperity of our fatherland and lays a big responsibility upon us. In this connection, it is necessary to work self-denyingly for practical realisation of the motto of the year, the head of the state noted.

Turning to priority issues, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov stated that according to the «Program of social and economic development of Turkmenistan and investments for 2025» during the current year it is planned to construct and put in operation apartment houses with a total area of about 500 thousand square metres, educational institutions for 4620 places, preschool centres for 2000 places.

For improvement of social standards of living of people, within realisation of the given Program, in regions and the capital, a start will be given to erection of several new buildings. It is also planned to finish building of several objects and facilities.

This year it is planned to put in operation modern villages in gengeshliks of «Öňaldy» in Ak bugday etrap and «Govshut» in Kaka etrap of Akhal velayat, new modern villages in Gyzylarbat etrap of Balkan velayat, new modern settlement in Koneurgench etrap of Dashoguz velayat, the automobile bridge over the gulf of Garabogazkol in Balkan velayat, the International aerostation complex in the settlement of Jebel of Balkan velayat. It is also planned to put into operation the section of Mary-Turkmenabat of high-speed highway Ashgabat-Turkmenabat, a higher educational institution of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan.

For the purpose of improvement of social living conditions of the population, considerable means will be allocated for construction of highways, communication systems, water, gas and energy supply and building of treatment facilities, the head of the state said.

In our country, a number of international actions will be held on the occasion of the International year of peace and trust.

The President of Turkmenistan instructed to prepare proposals to award representatives not only our country, but also citizens of foreign states on the occasion of announcement of 2025 «International year of peace and trust» and the 30th anniversary of permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan and to prepare properly for actions of special importance and significant dates.

The Program adopted in the current year includes a great volume of work, the head of the state said, having placed a special emphasis that our overall objective - further prosperity of our fatherland. In this regard, he expressed firm confidence that together with our people, solid self-denying work, we will reach all new boundaries planned for 2025.

Concluding the enlarged meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished its participants sound health, family well-being and great successes in their responsible activity for achievement of progress of our sovereign fatherland.