A confident step of our fatherland on the path of progress

Events of the past week once again testified clearly fruitfulness of constructive initiatives of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov on an all-around development of Turkmenistan, creation of a strong basis for further increase of social living standards of Turkmen nationals and consistent development of fruitful cooperation with all interested foreign partners.

On January 8, the head of the state held an online working meeting, the agenda of which included the issues of development of the agro-industrial complex and the course of work carried out in regions of the country.

As was pointed out, care of wheat fields in velayats is ensured according to agro-technical standards.

Ploughing, levelling and grading of areas to be sown with cotton as well as preparation of agricultural machinery and high-quality seeds for cotton growers continue.

At the same time, corresponding measures are taken for well-organised conduction of the spring sowing of potato, other fruits and vegetables.

The President of the country focused the attention on necessity of preparation properly for the upcoming sowing season and instructed relevant authorities to ensure the appropriate functioning of agricultural machinery and equipment to be involved in the spring campaign and to take due measures for well organised conduction of the sowing campaign of fruits and vegetables.

In addition to it, the head of the state instructed them to ensure a regular operation of heating systems at social projects and regular supply of population with electricity, natural gas and drinking water.

On January 8, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov received the newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Turkiye to Turkmenistan Ahmet Demirok who presented his credentials to the head of the state and conveyed warm greetings from the President of the Republic of Turkiye Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

As was marked, mutual relations between our countries have always been built on the basis of mutual respect and mutual support, and views on issues of mutual interest in international politics, especially on ensuring peace and security in the world, achieving the Goals of sustainable development, similar or compatible.

Speaking of prospects of the further deepening of bilateral interaction in political-diplomatic, trade and economic, cultural and humanitarian spheres, interlocutors also noted a special role of the Intergovernmental Turkmen-Turkish commission on economic cooperation and the Business Council.

On January 12, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a regular online meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, which considered the important issues of social and economic development of the country and drafts of some documents.

The issues discussed included further improvement of the legislation of the country, expansion of multilateral sectoral cooperation within the framework of the largest international organisations and authoritative regional structures, in particular, the Commonwealths of Independent States.

Measures taken for further modernisation of the fuel and energy complex, rational and effective utilisation of water resources and the course of seasonal agricultural campaigns were informed.

The information on the work carried out to create a modern enterprise on the basis of state-private partnership for manufacture of steel pipes of various diameters was delivered. The import replacing and export oriented production will be made with application of high technologies and on the latest equipment.

The meeting also considered the issues, connected with further development of entrepreneurship and admission to postgraduate and doctoral studies, clinical internship, and improvement of circus art for 2024.

The draft of the work plan of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for 2024, which envisages various events to be held in the country on the occasion of significant dates as well as organisation of bilateral visits and political consultations with a view of development of cooperation of Turkmenistan with foreign states, was submitted for consideration of the head of the state.

Work plans of the transport and communications complex of the country for 2024 consider realisation of a number of large investment projects. A special emphasis was made on construction of modern railways, road terminals and airports, cargo terminals, sea vessels and telephone exchanges.

Preparation for participation of the Turkmen delegation in the Global Gateway Investment Forum on Sustainable Transport in the format of EU-Central Asia, which will be held in Brussels (Kingdom of Belgium) on January 29-30 of the current year, was also informed.

On the sidelines of the event, negotiations and business meetings with a number of European companies, aimed at strengthening of cooperation and implementation of joint projects in the transport sphere are expected to take place.

In this connection, the head of the state instructed the relevant authorities to hold a plenary session on the topic “Investment possibilities of the transport complex of Turkmenistan” to be held on the margins of the above-named forum at a high organizational level.

At the meeting, the President of Turkmenistan signed the Resolution to approve terms and conditions of assignment of the legal status “national” to state circuses, separate professional creative circus groups.

The head of the state also signed the Resolution on construction of a modern comprehensive secondary school for 1200 children and a hostel for 120 beds in the settlement of Bokurdak in Ak bugday etrap of Akhal velayat.

In the past week, National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty, Honoured Elder of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made a working trip to Mary velayat.

There, Hero-Arkadag held a working meeting with participation of the head of regional administration and deputy khyakim for educational, cultural affairs, public health services and sports and discussed the issues of development of the velayat. In particular, it concerned introduction of high technologies in agriculture, improvement of land reclamation, increase of productivity of soil and production volume of cotton and wheat as well as control over construction of industrial and social projects.

The issues of patriotic education of the youth and organization of the events devoted to the 300th birthday anniversary by Magtymguly Fragi were attached separate attention.

National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan, Honoured Elder Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov also visited the mosque “Gurbanguly Hajy” in Mary city.

In conversation with the imam and religious figures of Hajy Arkadag underlined that large scale measures aimed at maintenance of peace, security and happy life of people, prosperity of our fatherland and rise of economic power of the state are undertaken in the country. At that, proper attention is given to construction of modern mosques in all corners of our country.

Hajy Arkadag addressed religious figures with a proposal to discuss with elders the holding of the sadaka in one of Fridays of the Oraza month in memory of his mother Ogulabat eje, who brought a huge contribution to development of such qualities as patriotism, decency, diligence in the growing generation and his father Malikguly aga, who devoted his life to service of our native land.

On the same day, head of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at the instructions of the President of Turkmenistan visited the military airdrome, took an interest in in the organisation of its work, technical features of planes, and helicopters available there as well as work and social conditions of military pilots.

Hero-Arkadag drew the attention to necessity of successful solution of the goals proceeding from the military doctrine of Turkmenistan, which bears fully a defensive character as well as issues of increase of professional level, theoretical, political and physical training of the staff, organisation of activity of military men and law enforcement bodies according to requirements of the time.

National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov also visited a pasture of cattle-breeding economy “Maldar” in Murgap etrap of the velayat, located on the outskirts of the Garagum desert.

Hero-Arkadag took an interest in the work of the tenant shepherd, who holds over 550 heads of cattle, the condition of his herd and local pastures, and the family life of the cattle breeder.

Having noted that the state will further carry out all necessary activities so that farmers and cattle breeders can bring their worthy contribution to maintenance of food abundance in the country, Arkadag wished the tenant big successes and family well-being and handed memorable gifts on behalf of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and was photographed as keepsake with him and his family.

The next place where the helicopter of Hero Arkadag landed was the site of the Tejen-Mary section of the Ashgabat-Turkmenabat high-speed motor road.

National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov had a talk with road builders working there and was interested in their working conditions and features of the machinery they use.

Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov presented road builders with gifts on behalf of the President of the country and at their request was photographed with them for memory.

As Hero-Arkadag underlined, the issues connected with modernisation of layout of the new highway, adjustment of uninterrupted functioning of system of regulation of traffic should be in the centre of attention and made thereupon recommendations to relevant authorities.

On January 12, the outcome of the working trip of the National Leader of the Turkmen people to Mary velayat was summed up and basic areas of social and economic development of the region were outlined.

The sadaka was given in the special hall at the mosque “Gurbanguly Hajy” on behalf of Hero-Arkadag.

An extraordinary meeting of the Council of Elders under the Charitable Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Guardianship was also held in Mary with participation of members of the Council of Elders of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan. The issues connected with successful realisation of planned important goals as well as the activity of the Council of Elders in places were discussed.

Participants of the meeting unanimously supported the proposal of the National Leader of the Turkmen people to hold the sadaka in one of Fridays of the Oraza month in memory of his mother Ogulabat eje and his father Malikguly aga.

Thus, each new day of the year “The fount of wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi“, Turkmenistan under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov continues to make a confident step on the path of complex social and economic transformations, displaying aspiration of our fatherland to new heights of creation, progress and invariable commitment to high humane traditions.