President Serdar Berdimuhamedov took part in the New Year festivities

Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov visited a New Year's show at the Main New Year tree of the country, having shared joy and fun with young participants of the festive event on the square in front of the "Älem" cultural and entertainment centre.

Traditionally “Älem” cultural and entertainment centre, located in one of the picturesque corners of white marble coated Ashgabat - at the foot of snow-capped Kopetdag mountains – was chosen as the basic venue of the favourite New Year's holiday, which people of Turkmenistan welcome with joy, in peace and concord.

So, today a colourful festive event was developed there. A beautiful green New Year’s tree with a majestic view, crowned with eight-pointed star and the numbers 2024, magically sparkling multi-coloured toys, garlands and small lamps was installed in the centre of the square. Around the Main New Year’s tree of the country with a height of 44 metres and width of 16 metres a rather fantastic fairy tale kingdom of blinking lights, shining glass balls and huge delicate snowflakes stretches.

There emerged woods of small fur-trees and rainbow overflowing with all colours of the rainbow, which immerses in the atmosphere of New Year's miracle and expectations of surprises, bright impressions and unusual adventures in the company of favourite characters of children's fairy tales and heroes of cartoon films.

Kids, having appeared in this fairyland, stand still for a moment with admiration, but soon already hasten to explore a small kingdom further. The fine music flying over the square invites them into an enticing secret journey.

Trees and bushes encircling the square are also decorated with light structures, multi-coloured lamps, which create an effect of soaring in the air of all New Year's ensemble in the evening. Besides it, the composition is supplemented with bright shining arches, artificial light-emitting diode trees and other scenery.

Children from all velayats and schoolchildren of the capital schools were invited to the holiday at the Main New year tree, which had become a venue of attraction of a great number of children. Among them - honours schoolchildren, winners of subject competitions, sports events, art contests and others. 

With joyful excitement and impatience, everybody wait for the arrival of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov. Indeed, it is a great honour for young Turkmen nationals to take part in the festival together with the head of the state, who comes to congratulate kids and schoolchildren, to encourage them into knowledge and love of their native land.

The car of the President of Turkmenistan stops at the square. Children in colourful national costumes present bunches of flowers to the head of the state.

There, the Chairwoman of the Mejlis, Deputy-Chairmen of the Cabinet, Director General of the Transport and Communications Agency under the Cabinet, khyakim of Ashgabat city warmly and cordially welcome the head of Turkmenistan.

With great merriment, children meet President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, expressing their joy, love and gratitude for happy childhood. The indefatigable care of the younger generation, creation of all conditions for their al-round development and education on the basis of national and universal values is one of the priorities of the state policy of the head of Turkmenistan, who treat with special warmth children, seeing in them the future of our native land, its happy tomorrow.

Loftily and sincerely sound from lips of young citizens the words of deep gratitude expressed in verses that our independent neutral fatherland by right is considered today the country where they can happily live, confidently look into the future and realise their dreams.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov together with children to a solemn melody goes to the brilliant evergreen queen.

Main heroes of the New Year's holiday - Ayaz baba and Garpamyk as well as symbolical characters of the outgoing year 2023 - Rabbit and the upcoming year 2024 - Fish on behalf of the growing generation and all compatriots congratulate Arkadag Serdar with the New Year and express gratitude for his paternal care of children, maintenance of necessary conditions for their all-round and multidimensional training, education of harmoniously developed younger generation, true patriots of our native land who in the near future should lead it into new heights and achievements.

Then, in front of the head of the state, song-music performances of young actors who prepared their creative gifts, start.

In the atmosphere of magic and fairyland enchanting with New Year's show start with participation of talented novice vocalists, musicians, children's choreographic ensembles. Snow-white costumes of young actors made an impression of magnificent snow turned round the Main New year tree and eyes and fervent smiles shone more brightly, than ornaments on branches of the coniferous green New Year’s tree.

"Revived" characters of Turkmen folklore and fairy tales of nations of the world added new colours to this entertainment show.

The President of Turkmenistan with pleasure and great interest watched performances of happy gifted children, who are a pride and invaluable national asset of any state and society. As head of the state Serdar Berdimuhamedov marks, today's talented schoolchildren in the future will bring a powerful contribution to acceleration of dynamics of social and economic progress of our native land.

Numerous competitions, Olympiads, exhibitions of children's works testify to steadfast attention to achievements of children and teenagers. And it, certainly, is very important, as children have a possibility to prove, expand the range of their hobbies and interests.

For revealing abilities of the rising generation in Turkmenistan, all conditions are created. Modern secondary schools and preschool institutions, sports and physical culture and health complexes equipped with high technologies and constructed and under construction in various regions of our fatherland also attest to this fact.

Thanks to it, young Turkmen nationals actively develop creative, mental abilities, go in for sports, and adequately represent our country abroad, winning medals and prizes.

… a traditional round dance around the New Year tree became a culmination of the colourful festivity. Children in costumes of rabbit and fish asked the head of the state to take part in this round dance.

Having warmly thanked young actors for their remarkable performance, Arkadag Serdar, having taken by hands of kids, joined this traditional New Year's ceremony embodying friendship, peace, consent, unity and continuity of generations and shared with great pleasure the fun and joy of children in their favourite holiday.

Then, New Year's gifts were given to all children participating in the holiday. At the desire of children for memory of today's joyful event, Arkadag Serdar was photographed with young Turkmen nationals at the Main New Year tree of the country.

Having wished children happy New Year, excellent winter holidays, successes in their study, fulfilment of their cherished wishes, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov got into his car and arrived at the building of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry where the festive marathon proceeded with the New Year's show.

… As known, the day before, on December 27, CCIT hosted a solemn opening of the international scientific-practical conference and versatile exhibition, which summed up results of the outgoing year “Happy youth with Arkadag Serdar”.

The head of Turkmenistan familiarised himself with the exhibition organised there where one can see successes made in the activity of the Khalk Maslakhaty, Mejlis of Turkmenistan, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Guardianship, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, khyakimliks of Ashgabat and Arkadag cities, spheres of culture, science, education, public health services, transport-communication, financial-bank and building-industrial complexes, oil and gas sector, agriculture, public organisations.

One of the strategic goals of the state policy, the basis of which was laid by the National Leader of the Turkmen people and is successfully implemented under the wise leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov in the Era of Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State, is formation of inspired, highly educated, intellectually and physically developed younger generation, true patriots of our fatherland.

Day by day, the power and international authority of independent neutral Turkmenistan grow. Significant events in the political, economic, cultural and sports life can serve the best example for it. The successes reached in the country in all spheres, have found reflexion in the exposition of the present exhibition.

In our independent fatherland, the rights of the youth are reliably protected. According to the adopted government programs, social privileges for the youth are expanded. In the given context, it is necessary to note that with a view of strengthening of legislative basis carried out in this field of activity a new edition of the Law of Turkmenistan “On the state youth policy” was adopted, the Government program in the field of the state youth policy of Turkmenistan for 2021-2025 and the Plan of actions for its realisation were approved.

Maintenance of legal and social protection of young citizens acts among key vectors of socially focused policy, the major principle of which is “State - for people!”. As a vivid example for it, one can mark the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Guardianship created at the initiative of the National Leader of the Turkmen people. As a result of support and efforts of Hero-Arkadag and Arkadag Serdar, the Board of the Foundation has carried out a number of charitable actions.

During the present epoch, a great role is attached to the young people who possess broad outlook, potential and modern view of life in development of multilateral international dialogue on vital issues of global agenda. A responsible mission will be in the long term assigned to them to propose essentially new approaches claimed by time to their solution.

Being committed to the international obligations taken upon itself, our country steadily realises the policy of deepening of constructive partnership in main areas for successful implementation of goals of global development. As known, one of them is the international youth diplomacy aimed at expansion of the dialogue of youth of different countries, active participation in construction of the better future of the planet. Having ample opportunities, the younger generation brings a big contribution to work carried out in this area, building new formats of interaction for general interests.

One of the expositions of the exhibition represents achievements in the town-planning sphere. In this connection, it is necessary to point out that as a result of a large scale concept initiated by National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and successfully continued by Arkadag Serdar, the outlook of our cities and villages has changed unrecognizability. As the best example for it, one can point out white marble-coated capital Ashgabat as well as Arkadag city, which has embodied the latest digital technologies. Implementation of the civil-engineering design of the "smart" city, which does not have analogues in the region, - one of indicators of huge economic potential of our fatherland, its tendency to heights of scientific and technical progress.

The visit of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov to the exhibition held on the margins of the international scientific-practical conference, devoted to results of the year “Happy youth with Arkadag Serdar”, also testifies once again of the fact that issues of development and personal growth of young Turkmen nationals, creation of conditions for expansion of their possibilities and maximum realisation of their intellectual, creative and spiritual potential and their attraction to active participation in the political, social and economic and cultural life of the country are in the centre of constant attention of the head of the state.

Having wished participants of the multidisciplinary exhibition of great achievements and new heights, Arkadag Serdar passes into the large hall of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry well dressed with bright decorations and festive attributes. There the beautiful fur-tree, round which in joyful expectation of the New Year's fairy tale, Ayaz baba, Garpamyk and the symbol of 2024 - small fish, numerous young residents of Ashgabat and guests of the capital dressed in carnival costumes gathered, was installed. All of them joyfully welcomed the head of the state.

, members of the Government of the country who, as well as the head of the state, brought their children and grandsons for the holiday of children. In the festivity in honour of the New Year's holiday, heads of missions, consular establishments of our country in the foreign states, heads of diplomatic representatives accredited to Turkmenistan also took part together with their children.

With great pleasure the President of Turkmenistan watched performances of variety actors, theatres and circus, folklore and dancing groups, children's creative collectives and talented children of different ages, beginning from children of kindergartens.

On the festively decorated stage a grandiose show with cheerful music, songs, and incendiary dances devoted to the New Year, was developed.

"Stars" shining on the festive stage - children's chorus “Güneş”, violin group “Mukam”, dancing groups “Ruhubelent çagalar”, “Şowhun” “Aýjan”, “Meňli”, “Dokmaçylar”, “Galkynyş” presented their creative gifts.

At the same time, separate soloists, winners of many state competitions and international art festivals also displayed their art.

They prepared a special program including songs of nations of the world and modern Turkmen composers and poets, classical products, waltz melodies and choreographic compositions for New Year's festivals on folklore motives.

Spectators welcomed actors of the Turkmen state puppet show, who presented them with a festive mood, with a burst of applause.

Dexterity of actors of the Turkmen state circus evoked surprise and admiration. With their gift and charm, young talents amazed spectators and with their persuasiveness displayed that the future of Turkmen art, culture are in reliable hands. Absorbing riches of national heritage, deriving from it inspiration and fresh ideas, they are also sensitive to world cultural values and are open for everything new and interesting.

In honour of the New Year, to great pleasure of participants of celebration a huge cake was presented.

Having congratulated the gathered with the forthcoming holiday and having wished fulfilment of their cherished wishes in the New Year 2024, head of the state Serdar Berdimuhamedov said goodbye to participants of the celebration and left the place.

Streets, squares, parks, areas of the whiter marble-coated capital, which welcome the New Year 2024, are dressed in the magnificent New Year's attire as well. The atmosphere of the true fairy tale everywhere reigns - illuminations, sparkling ornaments and various art objects, light-dynamic compositions, having changed the city as by a magic wand’s wave. Lights of garlands lined streets with meteoric flashes and have transformed the capital into the scenery of a fantastic film.

So, festive events have reached the finish line that in the forthcoming New Year's eve to visit each house and each family, involving all in this bright circulation of fun giving belief in miracles.

Entering into 2024, independent neutral Turkmenistan visually shows unity of people, support of the rising generation to the policy of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov under the leadership of whom in the Era of Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State successes and achievements of our fatherland are multiplied.