The President of Turkmenistan spoke at the 28th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change

On December 1, 2023, the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov took part in the 28th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

According to the COP28 agenda, participants will consider the results of the implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement and determine a further action plan that will guide the international community to achieve its goals. In addition, it is planned to discuss issues related to adaptation to climate change, overcoming its consequences, and such interrelated topics as ensuring environmental and food security, healthcare, green energy, rational use of natural resources, waste processing and disposal, etc. In this context, one of the key aspects is the reduction of emissions that have a negative impact on the environment. The Global Methane Commitment (GMP) is intended to help address this challenge.

In his speech at the forum, the President of Turkmenistan outlined the positions of our country in detail.

As the head of state noted, Turkmenistan considers participation in the current Conference as a milestone event in promoting its international strategy on climate change. The determining factor in it is to ensure continuity and consistency in the implementation of the initiatives put forward by our country, starting with the UN Conference on Sustainable Development RIO+20, subsequent major forums, and today’s efforts of Turkmenistan.

The National Climate Change Strategy adopted in 2012 is the starting point towards our country’s full involvement in the global climate agenda.

The next logical step was Turkmenistan’s accession to the Paris Climate Agreement. In 2019, in this regard, a new version of the National Climate Change Strategy was approved. The document is inclusive and includes an expanded list of measures to adapt almost all key sectors of the economy and social sphere to new requirements. Particular attention is paid to the fuel and energy complex, where a lot of work is being done to reduce emissions by increasing the volume of utilization of associated petroleum gas and reducing losses of natural gas during its transportation, said President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

Turkmenistan recognizes the need to continue focused work at the international and national levels to ensure further progress in the fight against climate change and its consequences. One of the most important aspects here is our country’s contribution to international efforts to reduce methane emissions.  

As is known, at the 26th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in Glasgow, Turkmenistan announced support for the new initiative on the Global Methane Commitment and expressed interest in a detailed study of the document and participation in its implementation.

Taking into account the recommendations of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and with the active support of the UN Development Program, our country prepared and in May 2022 approved the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of Turkmenistan to the Paris Climate Agreement. This strategic document provides for a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 20 percent in 2030 relative to 2010 levels.

In the context of broad international cooperation to solve climate problems in Central Asia, promoted by our country for many years, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted the importance of the signing on November 13 of this year of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) for development of regional programs aimed at transfer of climate technologies to Turkmenistan and Central Asian states.

The Turkmen side considers this document as the first step and a serious legal prerequisite for a substantive study of the issue of opening a UN Regional Center for Technologies related to Climate Change in Central Asia in our country. Thus, Turkmenistan’s initiative to create a specialized UN center for a region with a population of almost 80 million, possessing unique natural resources and biodiversity, and at the same time located in a zone of serious environmental risks, is now gaining real prospects.

As the head of state emphasized, being fully committed to continuing multilateral cooperation within the framework of global climate initiatives, Turkmenistan welcomes the proposed Declaration on Climate and Health and considers it important to support it to confirm our common resolve and unity on health issues in the implementation of the Paris Agreement.

– Recognizing the importance of coordination between national and subnational governments in the fight against climate change, Turkmenistan is ready to support the Initiative to create a COP-28 Coalition for multi-level partnerships with high ambitions to combat climate change.

Having confirmed the readiness to further strengthen cooperation at the regional and global level in the fields of agriculture, ecology, energy, finance, healthcare with all interested parties to achieve the goals of the Emirates Declaration, taking into account the national interests of Turkmenistan, the head of state, at the end of his speech, thanked the Conference participants for their attention and wished him fruitful work.

During the constructive exchange of views on the agenda, covering a wide range of areas of international partnership, which took place at the plenary sessions, the Summit participants spoke in favor of consolidating efforts in developing coordinated approaches to solving primary problems in the name of a safe, prosperous and healthy future of the planet.