The meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan

Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held the next online meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, which considered key issues of social and economic development of the country, drafts of some documents as well as some other issues.

Chairwoman of the Mejlis D.Gulmanova informed on the activities carried out in the legislation sector according to main provisions of the Constitution of Turkmenistan and taking into account priority goals outlined in government programs.

It also works to strengthen interaction with international structures and parliaments of foreign countries. In particular, credentials of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of the Philippines were received and meetings with heads of Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights of OSCE and Hidayat International Centre of the United Arab Emirates were held.

Representatives of the Mejlis took part in the working meeting with specialists of USAID for discussion of the issues connected with realisation of the regional project “Safe migration in Central Asia” and in the seminar of UNICEF devoted to strategic planning and monitoring for achievement of SDGs as well as in the meeting of inter-parliamentary group of friendship, taken place in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

As was informed, elected representatives of people speak in various actions for explanation of goals of progressive transformations developed in the country and adopted legislative acts to the wide public.

Summing up the information, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov drew the attention to importance of continuation of development of new laws meeting modern requirements. The effective policy realised by the state should find reflexion in these legal acts aimed at regular increase of well-being of people and giving an impulse for further prosperity of our fatherland.

Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet Kh.Geldimyradov reported on practical steps taken to improve further the work of banking institutions and strengthen their standard-legal basis. In this connection, he informed on the measures realised with a view of organisation of licencing in this sphere according to realities of time, in particular, preparation of drafts of corresponding documents.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov pointed out that the economic, financial and bank complex of the country is one of the leading sectors of national economy. Proceeding from it, one should modernise consistently the work of national banks and the activity connected with precious metals and stones, the head of Turkmenistan underlined and gave the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet a number of concrete instructions.

Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet B.Amanov reported on the state of affairs in sectors under his supervision, in particular, on "Türkmengaz" State Concern.

As was informed, practical steps are taken to modernise and maintain enterprises of the State Concern with technical and material supplies.

It was marked that due work is carried out with a view of increase in volumes of extraction of natural gas as well as production of high-quality non-polluting goods and their realisation in the world markets.

Having heard the report and having underlined importance to hold application of high technologies in gas producing enterprises of "Türkmengaz" State Concern and their supply with logistics under an unrelenting control, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov gave the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet concrete instructions.

Then, Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet T.Atahallyev reported on the course of seasonal agricultural work in velayats.

In this regard, it was pointed out that the appropriate measures aimed at complex development of agro-industrial sector, production of rich harvest by means of effective and rational use of land and water resources, maintenance of food abundance in the country are realised.

Nowadays, care of winter wheat is taken in the fields according to agro-technical standards. The cotton picking also continues. The gathered harvest is delivered to reception points and is processed in ginneries. Mutual accounts with agriculturists for the produced raw material are settled timely.

In addition to it, rice is also harvested in Dashoguz and Lebap velayats. Up today, 72 thousand 246 tons of "pearl grain” have been gathered and due measures are taken to store and clean it. The harvesting of sugar beet as well as necessary work for storage and processing of the yielded harvest go on in Mary velayat.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov made an emphasis on importance of agricultural campaigns developed at present in regions of the country. In this connection, it is necessary to involve as much as possible available industrial potential of agriculture and strengthen control over proper organisation of work, the head of Turkmenistan marked and gave the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet relevant instructions.

Further, Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet B.Annamammedov reported on fulfilment of the instructions given earlier by the head of the state in connection with planned construction of the new centre of children and youth “Güneşli”.

To begin with his report, the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet, availing of the opportunity, expressed to the President of Turkmenistan and National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty, Hero-Arkadag warm gratitude for their huge care of maintenance of all-round and harmonious development of the younger generation as well as for the initiative of erection of a new complex, determination of its site in one of the picturesque corners of the Turkmen capital.

Having submitted for consideration of the head of the state, the sketch design of modern centre of children and youth, the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet informed that the project envisages game and sports athletic fields, specially allotted territories for cultural events, training of traffic regulations, an amphitheatre and a number of other objects, including technical and economic ones.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined that our country provides all conditions so that the youth can spend their leisure time usefully and creatively. To that end, the centre of children and youth “Güneşli”, which is called to promote enrichment of skills of young Turkmen nationals and to development their talents, will be constructed in the capital.

Having focused the attention on necessity of a responsible approach to realisation of the given project, the head of the state gave the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet concrete instructions to ensure organization of an international tender for construction of a new complex properly.

Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet B.Atdayev reported on preparation for the international exhibition “Agro-Pack Türkmenistan–2023”, planned for November 28-30 of the current year.

It is expected that the companies, which are engaged in manufacture, packing, storage and processing of food and agricultural production will take part in the exhibition. The processing equipment, packing machines as well as scientific solutions and achievements will be presented in expositions in the field of gardening, poultry farming, animal industries, seed growing and others.

On the margins of the exhibition, it is planned to organise bilateral meetings for exchange of experience and adjustment of mutually beneficial cooperation.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet to hold the international exhibition “Agro-Pack Türkmenistan – 2023”, which familiarizes with modern technologies in the sphere of manufacture of foodstuffs, at a high organizational level.

Throughout the report, he also informed on preparation for the next seventh meeting of the Intergovernmental Turkmen-Azerbaijan commission and business forum, planned for November 27-28 of the current year in Ashgabat at the instructions of the President of Turkmenistan.

It was informed that the companies specialising in the oil and gas, textile, agriculture and manufacture of foodstuff, construction and production of building materials, pharmaceutics, transport-logistics and information technology sectors are expected to participate in the event.

It is also envisaged to hold a number of bilateral meetings and negotiations between representatives of Turkmen business community and Azerbaijan companies.

Following the results of the forum, corresponding documents are planned to be signed.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet to prepare for the Turkmen-Azerbaijan business forum properly. On the sidelines of the forthcoming business meeting, one should give particular attention to discussion of new areas of bilateral cooperation, the head of Turkmenistan noted and gave the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet a number of concrete instructions.

Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet N.Amannepesov reported on measures taken to improve further the work of the Academy of Civil Service under the President of Turkmenistan, to which special significance is attached in training of state employees and increases of their professional level.

In this context, the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet submitted for consideration of the head of the state the draft of the relevant Resolution. The given document was prepared taking into account proposals of profile ministries with a view of further perfection of educational and administrative activity, proceeding from modern conditions created in a new complex of buildings of the Academy for professors, teachers, trainees and students.

Having signed the submitted Resolution, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov sent it to the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet online and instructed him to ensure control over proper fulfilment of the tasks proceeding from the given document.

Further, the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet reported on results of participation of students of our country in the international team Olympiad in mathematics held in the Republic of Poland as well as preparation for the forthcoming international Olympiads among students of national and international higher educational schools, planned on the occasion of International Day of Neutrality.

Numerous representatives of 30 higher educational institutions from Turkmenistan, Federal Republic of Germany, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Republic of Austria, and Republic of Slovenia took part in the prestigious intellectual competition in Poland.

Successfully having performed, 25 national students have gained 8 gold, 11 silver and 6 bronze medals, thereby having increased the international authority of our fatherland.

Being guided by experience in strengthening cooperation with leading world education and research centres and organizing international Olympiads, scientific and creative competitions as well as according to the goals defined in government programs and concepts in the year “The Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar”, the next month a number of international internet Olympiads in separate educational institutions of the country is planned. So, it is planned to hold:

II Open International Internet Olympiad in "Ecology" at Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A.Niyazov;

II International Internet Olympiad in "Biology" at State Medical University of Turkmenistan named after Myrat Garryev;

II International Internet Competition in engineering and computer graphics at Turkmen Agricultural Institute;

International Internet Olympiad in "Russian at Turkmen National Institute of World Languages named after Dovletmammet Azady";

III Open International Online Internet Olympiad in Physics among students at Turkmen State Teacher Training Institute named after Seyitnazar Seydi.

In the third decade of March 2024, in which the 300th birthday anniversary of the great thinker and poet-classic of the East Makhtumkuli Fragi will be marked, the International Math Olympiad among schoolchildren will be held in the 1st specialized teaching and educational complex in Arkadag city.

It is also planned to organise excursions to picturesque sights of Ashgabat and Arkadag cities for foreign participants.

Along with students of higher educational establishments and schoolchildren of our country, talented young people from prestigious higher educational institutions of foreign countries are also expected to participate in the international Olympiad.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov pointed out that from the beginning of the year young Turkmen nationals have took part in the various international Olympiads and have won prize-winning places. In this connection, having underlined importance of intellectual competitions, which promote discovery of talented youth and development of international cooperation in the education sphere, the head of the state instructed the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet to ensure their high organizational level.

Further, the floor was given to Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet, Minister of Foreign Affairs R.Meredov, who delivered good news arrived from the headquarters of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). As was informed, Turkmenistan was unanimously elected member of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee on Physical Culture and Sports (CIGEPS) for the period 2017-2021 for 2023-2027.

Having warmly congratulated the President of Turkmenistan and National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on this significant event, which testifies to the high international authority of our fatherland, the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet, the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs wished Arkadagly Hero Serdar and Hero-Arkadag sound health and new outstanding successes in their large scale activities for the benefit of our fatherland and its people.

Having received the information with satisfaction, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, addressing participants of the meeting and all compatriots, drew the attention to the good news arrived from the headquarters of UNESCO. Having warmly congratulated all on election of Turkmenistan to the membership of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee on Physical Culture and Sports for 2023-2027, the head of the state marked that it speaks of the fact that the world community closely supports the foreign policy of our fatherland based on the principle of positive neutrality.

Having underlined that traditional fruitful interaction with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization will further continue, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov gave the vice-president of the Cabinet, the Minister for Foreign Affairs a number of concrete commissions.

Then, Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet, Minister of Foreign Affairs R.Meredov reported concerning the 17th meeting of the Turkmen-Iranian joint commission on economic cooperation.

As was marked, one of the priority vectors of foreign policy strategy of Turkmenistan is development of fruitful interaction with neighbouring states, among which - Islamic Republic of Iran. In this connection, due work is carried out to develop the traditionally friendly multiplane dialogue with IRI.

With these views, for November 17-18, ti is planned to hold the 17th meeting of the above-named joint commission. Its agenda includes a wide spectrum of the issues, concerning fulfilment of the reached bilateral agreements, further development of partnership in trade and economic, oil and gas, chemical, electric power, transport-communication spheres, agricultural and water economy. Prospects of cooperation in the area of investments and business structures as well as preservation of the environment, hydrometeorology, other topical areas will be discussed.

The integral component of interstate relations is the humanitarian sphere. In the given context, issues of interaction were included in the agenda in areas of science, education, culture, public health services, mass media as well as sports and tourism. On the margins of the meeting by its outcome, it is expected to sign some documents and to hold negotiations with Iranian partners in corresponding areas of cooperation.

Besides, it is planned to hold a specialized exhibition of the Islamic Republic of Iran “Iran Prože” for November 17-19 and the Turkmen-Iranian business forum for November 18 in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan. On the sidelines of the visit of the delegation of IRI, it is expected to organise a number of bilateral meetings with a view of discussion of issues of mutually beneficial partnership in various spheres.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined that the Islamic Republic of Iran is the closest partner of Turkmenistan. Having instructed to provide a high organizational level of the 17th meeting of the Turkmen-Iranian joint commission, the head of the state noted necessity to give particular attention to the further strengthening of bilateral economic cooperation.

Throughout the report, the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet, Minister of Foreign Affairs reported on preparation for participation of the delegation of Turkmenistan in the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP 28) of the UN Framework Convention on climate change, which will pass from November 30 to December 12 of the current year in Dubai (United Arab Emirates).

As known, in the foreign policy realised by our country a great significance is given to development of constructive cooperation with international organisations. Thereupon, purposeful steps are taken to strengthen interaction in development of solutions of strategic issues of global agenda, in particular, those of climate changes.

As expected, the above-named forum will unite numerous representative delegations of authoritative international organisations and world countries. For December 1-2, the plenary sessions of the Conference COP-28 with participation of heads of states and governments are planned.

The Conference will cover such areas as strengthening of international financial basis of counteraction to climate change and encouragement of private sector to participation in solution of corresponding issues; intensification of activity of the Fund, decision on foundation of which was adopted with a view of compensation of loss and damage from negative consequences caused by climatic changes; maintenance of food safety; issues of water use.

In parallel with the plenary sessions, it is planned to hold side events of high level devoted to various aspects of climate change problem.

By the outcome of the Conference COP-28, it is expected to adopt some international documents.

In this context, it is proposed to study and analyse the given documents and to consider the issue of accession of Turkmenistan to them.

Besides it, a proposal on participation of representatives of national profile departments in the Conference COP-28 as well as delegations of our country in the Youth Conference on climate change (COY-18) which will take place in Dubai on November 26-28, was also made.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted a constructive character of interaction of Turkmenistan with the parties-participants of the UN Framework Convention on climate change. It is necessary to prepare thoroughly for participation of the delegation of our country in the Conference COP-28, the head of the state underlined and gave the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet, head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs concrete instructions.

Director General of the Transport and Communications Agency under the cabinet of Ministers M.Chakyev reported on preparation for the International scientific-practical conference “Sustainable transport – a contribution to sustainable development” and exhibition, planned for November 26 of the current year on the occasion of adoption of the Resolution “World Sustainable Transport Day”.

It was informed that in the forum, which would pass in a hybrid format, participation of representatives of the Office of the UN Development Program in Turkmenistan, authoritative international, regional and subregional transport structures, large companies working in sphere of transport and others is expected.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined that our sovereign state attaches a special significance to the strengthening of international cooperation in the sphere of sustainable transport, putting forward initiatives in the given area. In this connection, the director general was instructed to hold the international scientific-practical conference, which will take place in the Turkmen capital and timed to World Sustainable Transport Day, at a high level.

Throughout his report, Director General of the transport and Communications Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers reported on preparation for the first meeting of representatives of the Turkmen-Kazakhstan joint working commission on transport-transit transportation and logistics planned for November 26 of the current year in Ashgabat.

It was informed that during the meeting discussion of issues, in particular, those of effective utilisation of infrastructure of national transport-transit corridors running through the territories of two countries, coordination and realisation of joint projects in the given field, developments of logistical centres, safety of transportations as well as price policy is envisaged.

Having emphasised the role of the given Turkmen-Kazakhstan joint working commission, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed the head of the Agency to prepare for the forthcoming meeting properly.

A number of other issues of state life, on which corresponding decisions were made, were also considered at the meeting.

Having concluded the online meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished all sound health, family well-being and great successes in their work for further prosperity of our sovereign fatherland.