A cohesive work and constructive cooperation as a pledge of accelerated progress of our fatherland

Events of the past week visually reflected the far-sightedness of the foreign and home policy of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov- policy of open doors and progressive transformations, which facilitate expansion of international partnership and discovery of the creative potential of Turkmenistan.

On October 16, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held an online working meeting to discuss issues of development of the agricultural complex as well as the course of work in regions of the country.

As was marked, due measures are taken for acceleration of paces of the cotton harvesting campaign, regular transportation of the harvested raw cotton to reception points and its processing in ginneries. Accounts with cotton growers are settled timely.

The wheat sowing is carried out in the fields orderly.

The head of the state drew the attention to the importance of seasonal agricultural work in accordance with agro-technical standards and gave a number of concrete instructions to ensure a strict control over timely competition of wheat sowing, harvest of cotton and other crops without loss in due terms.

In addition to it, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed to keep the quality of construction projects carried out within the framework of the Program of socio-economic development of the country for 2022-2028 and planned to be commissioned the current year in velayats under control.

On October 20, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a regular online meeting of the Cabinet to consider drafts of a number of documents and discuss goals of socio-economic development of the country and some other issues.

It included the legislation activity of the national parliament and development of fruitful relations with parliaments of different countries and important international organizations.

Creation of automated electronic databases and ensuring of its operation based on the uniform technical standards, further strengthening of the material and technical basis of international airports of the country, increase in the production capacities of textile enterprises and course of seasonal agricultural activities was informed.

The President of Turkmenistan considered the proposal on reconstruction of the northern roundabout highway Ashgabat-Gokdepe and construction of highway bridges, which meet modern requirements and international standards, over the mudflow canal and railway and instructed to keep all the construction work carried out in the country under remitting control and ensure their high quality.

Besides it, head of the state Serdar Berdimuhamedov approved the proposal on creation of the interdepartmental working group for the final phase of selection of proposals on design of the label of the national trademark “Made in Turkmenistan” and underlined that upon its development one should take into account national features of our people and modern methods of marketing.

In addition to it, the information on preparation for events planned for the near future was also delivered.

So, President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov will make an official visit to the Republic of Turkiye.

On October 25–27, Ashgabat will host the XXVIII International Conference and Exhibition “Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan-2023”.

The final stage of the international competition «Ýylyň türkmen edermen alabaýy» as well as the exhibition and international scientific conference will be organized in honour of the national holiday of the Turkmen alabay on the last Sunday of October. Along with it, the third meeting of the International Association «Türkmen alabaý itleri» will be held.

On October 27–28, it is planned to hold the festival «Mukama siňen ömür» in velayats and Ashgabat and Arkadag cities in honour of the 85th birthday anniversary of famous Turkmen composer Nury Khalmammedov.

In the first decade of December of the current year, it is expected to organize online the 11th Turkmen-German health forum. The proposal on its organization was made during the visit of the delegation of our country under the leadership of National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to FRG on September 28-29.

At the meeting, the President of Turkmenistan signed a number of documents. They included the Resolution, in accordance with which, a new sample of the passport of the citizen of Turkmenistan as well as the procedure for its registration, issuance and rules of application were approved; Resolution on reconstruction and construction of additional buildings and facilities of the Akhal-Teke equestrian complex of the President of Turkmenistan and Resolution on announcement of the completion for the award of the President of Turkmenistan “Türkmeniň Altyn asyry” among workers of literature, culture and art, amateur young singers and gifted children.

The outcome of the working trip of National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the People’s Republic of China on October 17-19 to participate in the Third Summit Forum “One Belt, One Road” was a separate topic of discussion in the meeting.

As was informed, issues of their practical realization will be included in the agenda of the regular meeting of the Turkmen-Chinese intergovernmental committee for cooperation planned for November.

Representatives of over 140 countries and 30 important organizations, including state leaders, heads of international organizations, ministries and business circles became delegates of a large-scale event, which was held in the Great Hall of the People of the PRC.

Speaking at the high level conference on the margins of the Third Forum “One Belt, One Road”, Hero Arkadag confirmed an active and initiative position of Turkmenistan in development of mutually beneficial constructive international cooperation and made an emphasis on such strategic areas as energy, transport, and communications, ecology and introduction of “green” technologies in industry and other sectors, deepening of integration processes in economy as a whole.

By the outcome of the forum, the following documents were adopted: Beijing Initiative to Deepen Cooperation on Connectivity, Beijing Belt and Road Initiative International cooperation in the field of digital economy, Beijing Belt and Road Green Development Initiative, Initiative on the foundations of international trade and economic cooperation for the digital economy and green development.

The Memorandum of Cooperation on the joint implementation of the Action Plan for the development of green science and technology in the Central Asian region was also signed.

The state and future of Turkmen-Chinese cooperation became a subject of interested discussion during the meeting of Hero Arkadag with First Deputy Prime Minister of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, a member of the Standing Committee of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China Ding Xuexiang.

On the final day of the working visit, a meeting between Hero Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Chairman of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping took place.

The agenda of negotiations included key areas of interstate partnership based on long-term prospects. At that, a high level of mutual trust, mutual understanding and openness, which characterize Turkmen-Chinese relations developed in the ascending line, was pointed out.

The transport and logistics sector was also outlined among priority areas of cooperation. In this connection, Chairman Xi Jinping underlined topicality and relevance of initiatives made by Turkmenistan and aimed at development of efficient regional and international partnership in this strategic sphere. At that, significance of interaction in realization of the strategies “Revival of the Great Silk Road“ and “One Belt, One Road”, their connectivity and mutual complementarity were marked.

Upon completion of talks in presence of National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Chairman of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping bilateral documents were signed.

In particular, the following documents were signed: Agreement between the Government of Turkmenistan and the Government of the People's Republic of China on technical and economic cooperation and Memorandum of Understanding between the State Customs Service of Turkmenistan and the General Customs Administration of the People's Republic of China on cooperation in strengthening the capacity of the Economic Commissioners Program operators.

Within the framework of his working visit of National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the People’s Republic of China, members of the official delegation of our country met with heads of relevant ministries and departments of PRC.

A wide range of issues of political and diplomatic interaction as well as cooperation in the trade and economic sphere were considered.

The wife of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Ogulgerek Berdimuhamedova, who accompanied the Hero-Arkadag during his working visit to the People’s Republic of China, took part in the cultural events organized here, in particular, having visited the National Museum of Arts and Crafts.

Honoured guests together with the spouse of the Chairman of the People’s Republic of China Peng Liyuan, in particular, visited the national museum of art and crafts and saw the play of the Beijing opera.

In the Museum of Women and Children of China with participation of the spouse of Hero Arkadag and Deputy Chairman of the National Committee of the People’s Political Consultative Council of China, Chairwoman of the All-China Women’s Federation Shen Yueyue, the opening of the national exhibition devoted to Turkmen carpets and handcrafts, which fully displayed forms of national decorative and applied art and creativity, people’s crafts and became a visual example many sided creative gift of Turkmens, took place.

During the event, the granddaughter of Hero-Arkadag skilfully demonstrated the method of weaving alaja to visitors to the exhibition.

At the end of the week, on October 21, President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country, Army General Serdar Berdimuhamedov visited the “Kelete” training centre. In the joint military exercises all formations of the army, air defence forces, air force and navy, units of the Türkmen edermen special forces, as well as team of the Türkmen edermen special forces of the military and law enforcement agencies took part.

According to the defensive Military doctrine of the country, an overall objective of the last doctrines - increase of professional skill and combat training of military men, performance of coordinated actions on land, in the air and sea with application of new advanced methods, receptions of conducting and fight tactics.

Before commands such combat training tasks as liquidation of diversionary groups of the enemy, repelling air attacks of the opponent, overcoming lost-free by means of chemical protection of the infected zone created for confronting a breakthrough and the forced crossing of water obstacle were put.

Demonstrative tactical exercises, in which the staff of all divisions displayed the professional skill of modern technics and arms, high level theoretical and combat training, were shown on special monitors live by the digital system via the communication satellite «TürkmenÄlem 52оE».

The Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country expressed confidence that military men, showing an example of devoted service to the fatherland, will be apply henceforth their knowledge and skills to successful realisation of the defensive Military doctrine.

Then, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov familiarised himself with various kinds of combat material exposed on the special platform of the combat training centre. Among presented samples – UAVs and other kinds of arms.

Having noted that the key task facing military men is realisation of positions based on principles of positive neutrality and the Military doctrine of Turkmenistan, which has especially a defensive character, maintenance of protection of peaceful life of people, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined that the state will further take consecutive measures directed to the strengthening of the material and technical basis of all the armed forces.

The Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country, having congratulated on successful military exercises, wished soldiers and officers who demonstrated a high level of combat training, successes in performance of important and responsible mission - protection of peaceful life in our fatherland.

Past week, stages of Ashgabat and Mary became a venue of Days of culture of the Republic Tatarstan of the Russian Federation in Turkmenistan.

Within the limits of the large- scale action, cultural events -concert of workers of art and culture, exposition of traditional Tatar art crafts as well as the photo-exhibition devoted to monuments of history and culture of the Republic of Tatarstan, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List were organised.

A round table on the topic “Preservation, revival and development of folk arts and crafts” was held in the capital museum of fine arts, the “Ashgabat” cinema centre hosted a meeting of filmmakers from Turkmenistan and the Republic of Tatarstan of the Russian Federation as well as screenings of modern films “Ibn Fadlan” and “Tarlan”.

Thus, events of the past week once again attested to how goals of the foreign and home policy, called to ensure further expansion of economic cooperation and humanitarian relations with foreign partners, development of all spheres of life of the country, well-being and happy life of people in the Era of Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State are systematically and successfully realized in Turkmenistan under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.